The Big Move
You know what? I am really excited to be moving across the country. I was praying about it this morning and now I'm not worried anymore. I was reading a verse in Philippians- 3:7-8 - that says:
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ..."
This verse gave me much needed comfort. Why am I so afraid of moving? I know why- it's because I'm going to miss my family and friends. But I can call and write, and I'm sure they will visit.
I do want to say that this year has been tough. It was the first time that I was in a serious relationship and that was a big adjustment in itself. I went from having a lot of time to myself to having hardly any time at all, and I did lose a lot of "friends" in the process. Some people weren't happy that Jeff and I were together and that was hard. My family was upset that I wasn't spending as much time with them and then there was my apartment situation. I found it to be very stressful living there and on top of that I had to pay a lot more money than expected because the people who were leasing it for a few months decided not to pay their last months rent. A lot of my friends had moved away, I didn't feel like I belonged at church or Sub 25... I would often think of how things used to be- when I was living with Nicole and we would have people over and have so much fun (and I would pick up her rotten apple cores and be sent to my room *smiles*) ... I was a group leader at Sub 25, I played the keyboard at times, I would go out after church and have a lot of fun... I loved dating Jeff and I really love being married to Jeff, but part of me felt lonely because a lot of people from church seemed distant, and I guess I seemed distant. It was tough.
But now I think I know why things were so tough. God wanted me to come closer to Him, and I did the opposite. I pulled away. But now I'm trying to stay focussed on what's really important. God loves me. He loved me when I met and married Jeff. He loved me during the times when I felt lonely and sad. He loved me when I felt that everyone was leaving. He loved me when I felt like I let Sub 25 down and let people from church down. God will always love me. I can't try to please people all the time. Yes, I need to try to "live at peace with everyone", but most of all I need to be at peace with God and put Him first in my life. And that's why I'm now excited about this move (I know, I'm hard to follow). :) I need to put God first. He wants to teach me so much. He wants Jeff and I to move. We both know that. And by trusting Him, He is going to teach us so much. I know I'll meet people and I know that this is going to be a very exciting year. All of my "trials" happened for a reason. God wanted me to see that He is there in the tough times. He wanted me to realize that at those times when I feel like I've lost everything I need to look to Him and "consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ".
So let's pack our bags: I'm moving to Cochrane, Alberta. :) What? *smiles*
That is beautiful.
It's all too easy to fall in the trap of assuming that the "here and now" is all-important. We often say "out of sight, out of mind" - it's a human tendency to ignore or forget those things that don't surround us.
And what you're pointing out is so important. Because, as Paul says, everything we hold dear here on earth - be it family, friends, security, fun activities - are but "rubbish" compared to the life and promise we have in Christ. I read somewhere that the word Paul used in Greek was actually stronger - "garbage" or something.
And Jesus said the same thing when he told those around him that they must leave their families, take up their crosses, and follow Him. Jesus was fond of exaggeration in order to make his points, and when he said that if anyone did not hate their father and mother they were unworthy of Him, he meant this same thing too - that our attachment to the things of this world must be nothing compared to our loyalty to Him.
And with that in mind, having given all those things to Him, we can truly and fully appreciate the things of this world the way we are commanded to - always in context to, and in submission to, God. Only then do we really see the true value of family, friends, etc. - not some weird, man-centred exaggeration, but the real thing.
Sorry for rambling...
I'm glad that you are getting excited to move :) I still would rather you guys to stay because I think y'all are super, but I know that if Alberta is where God wants you to be, thats where you should be. You'll definitely be missed, but I just want you guys to be happy :)
I think you should move to Edmonton.
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